[k]eep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord
Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt;
save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy,
mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
Jude vs. 21-23.
“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish; he eats for the
rest of his life.” Author unknown.
BELIEFS: We believe that the Bible is comprised of the Old and New Testaments and
is the only infallible Word of God. It is the inspired Word of God and the ultimate
authority. The Word of God cannot be added to, subtracted from, or superseded in any
regard; it is the source of all doctrine, instruction, correction and reproof. The Bible
contains all that is needed for guidance in godliness and practical Christian conduct. We
believe that through the revelation and operation of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God
becomes alive and effective in our lives; it is the standard for our relational and
experiential knowledge of God. Any ministry or prophecy must be in accord with
Scripture; if not, it is to be considered false and rejected.
We believe that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross paid the penalty for the
sins of the world and inaugurated the New Covenant in His blood, for those who choose
to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. We further believe that his atoning sacrifice
makes available healing of the body, soul and spirit.
We believe, as the Bible declares, that salvation is a free gift of God, received by
faith, and accomplished by the finished work of the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. Salvation occurs when a person confesses and accepts Christ as Lord and
Savior of their life, resulting in being born again, and becoming a new creation in Christ
Jesus. As a new creation, we are justified, sanctified, reconciled to God, and made
As a new creation, we enjoy the privilege of adoption and inheritance as sons
and daughters of the Most High God; we become citizens of His Kingdom, yet aliens to
this kingdom on earth. Salvation is an act of free will in response to God’s personal love
for mankind. It is predestined only in the sense that God, through His omniscience,
foreknew those who would choose Him, yet He desires that no one should perish.
As believers, our old life inherited from Adam is crucified with Christ and we are
born again as new creations into the risen life of Christ. Even though we are born again
as infants, we progressively live our lives and mature our faith as we yield to the
guidance and direction of the power of the Holy Spirit. We continuously renew our
minds by the truth found in the Word of God which is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.
Hence, our behavior increasingly reflects His life in us and His purposes for our lives.
Our lives, as Christians, while joyful and fulfilling, still includes trials, tests, and
warfare against a spiritual enemy who takes advantage of our flesh to lure us into sinful
behavior and independence from God. Our faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross
redeems us from the power of the enemy and is the source of our victory over these
trials, test and attacks of the enemy.
MISSION STATEMENT: To reach people (snatch them out of the fire) with the
love of Jesus and give them direction in their “next steps” in life by creating
relationships, and connecting people with resources to be “that new man.”
VISION STATEMENT: We envision connecting people in their next step in life by
establishing functional networks with FREEDOM MINISTRY OF THE SOUTH
and through partnering with other organizations, community groups, and
churches in the region. Our vision is to remedy the current problems in the state
of Louisiana which include but not limited to poverty, recidivism, addition, divorce
and racism. Our long-term goal is complete spiritual, mental, physical and
financial restoration to each individual connected with the ministry.
STRATEGIES: We will partner with organizations and connect resources in the
community to give each person reached a needed support system. We will
intentionally plant new FREEDOM MINISTRIES and assist with other programs
such as Celebrate Recovery. We will train teams for ministry with worship, the
Word of God, love, testimony and a non-judgmental attitude. We will utilize
FREEDOM MINISTRY’S outreach invitation, social media, programs, worship
teams, prison outreach and connect people with the proper treatment options.
Our hope is that the majority of individuals who experience life change will in turn
give back to a desired organization that impacted their life in a positive way
making reciprocity happen naturally through intentionality.
ACTION PLAN: We will purposefully use the current successful ministry as a
launching board and training ground. Our goal is to make each region have
viable options for the entire family including teens. Our long-term objectives are
to establish tactical plans for sober living, mentoring, discipleship, life skills, and
job training encompassing the love of Jesus and a true holistic approach to
*Normal ministry including men and women’s life groups (Women on
Tuesday and Men on Thursday)
*Freedom Friday (with probation clients in 2018)
*Prison Ministry (CCC-Lake Charles)
*Next Steps (rehab, sober-living, job skills, basic budgeting, past trouble,
*Crisis situations
*Training Leaders
*Planting Ministries
*Freedom Night Event (March 16 th at The Gathering)
*Celebrate Recovery “Step-Study” (Now at the Sc3)
*Father’s Day Cookout Niblets Bluff)
*Building Missional Relationships
*Evangelistic and community outreaches (intentionally building
relationships in the process)
FREEDOM MINISTRY OF THE SOUTH INC will be governed by a Board of
Directors. An Advisory Committee will be appointed to serve as discussed
FREEDOM MINISTRY BOARD: The Board will serve to hold the Pastor/Chairman
accountable financially, spiritually and professionally. The Board will decide day-to- day
operations which will be agreed upon and used by the Pastor/Chairman at his/her
discretion. Any funds outside of the parameters initially set by the Board can be
approved via electronic means.
Board members will be elected by the Pastor/Chairman. The will be a minimum of four
(4) Board Members and a maximum of nine (9). Initially, the Board member will serve a
one year term. Thereafter the terms will be staggered as follows:
If 4 members, 2 will serve for one year and 2 will serve two years.
If 5 members, 2 will serve for one year and 3 will serve two years.
If 6 members, 3 will serve one year and 3 will serve two years.
If 7 members, 3 will serve one year and 4 will serve two years.
If 8 members, 4 will serve one year and 4 will serve two years.
If 9 members, 4 will serve one year and 5 will serve two years.
Any Board member can be removed for cause after following the procedures set forth in
Matthew 18:15-17.
The Board, by a two-third’s majority vote, will set the Pastor/Chairman’s salary. If a
Board member is a salaried employee, a unanimous vote will be required to set his/her
Day-to- day operations include but are not limited to:
Ministry travel expenses, crisis care/”next steps”, approved event funds, normal weekly
Expenses requiring Board approval include but are not limited to:
Pastor/Chairman salary, other full or part-time salaries, office or housing expenses, any
other expenses exceeding $500.
OFFICERS: The Board will nominate and elect officers annually at the first Board
Meeting of the year. Officers to be elected will include the Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Secretary and Treasurer.
BOARD MEETINGS: After the initial meeting, the Board will meet every year on the
second Tuesday of February at a time and place designated by the Chairman.
Otherwise, the Board will meet at least quarterly as deemed necessary. A special
meeting may be called by either two or more Board members or the Chairman.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Advisory Committee, appointed by the
Pastor/Chairman, has boot and ears to the ground about the needs of the people and
the direction of the Holy Spirit. They will provide ideas, feedback and input about the
ministry and those serving the ministry, at all times honoring the vision and mission. The
Advisory Committee will be expected to give advice as to the needs of the community in
order for FREEDOM MINISTRY to refocus to meet those needs. The Advisory
Committee will meet at least twice a year to discuss these matters and once a year for
creative input and/or concerns.
AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS: These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the
Board at a special meeting called for that purpose.
FISCAL YEAR: the fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.